
A website written by and
for Culton Koster

Hello. My name is Culton, and I'm a Computer Science and Psychology student at Middlebury College (Class of 2021.5). You've found the website where I brag about my skills, and place links to some of the projects and research that I've been working on. You'll also find my updated resume , and a contact form if you'd like to get in touch with me.

My skills

Here is a selection of technical skills that I've developed through internships, courses at Middlebury, undergraduate research, and independent projects.

  • 4 years of experience coding in Python,
    C, and Java
  • Proficient in statistical analysis using SPSS or Python
  • Working proficiency with database design, backend web development, and search indexing frameworks
  • 1 year of experience applying and evauluating machine learning models, with a focus on search & ranking tasks
  • 2 years of experience designing behavioral research
  • Endurance road cyclist

Projects and Research

Here are summaries of my latest research and projects!

Fair Recommendation Research

In Summer 2021, I worked with Professor John Foley to produce a paper detailing the impact of user-based features on a recommendation task, as compared to session-based features only. Check out my research and code here!

TEMPO lights-feedback Research

Beginning in fall of 2020, I joined Middlebury's sustainability lab, and worked with two students to run a study on the effects of Human-Computer Interaction on behavioral energy efficiency. Here is a link to the report.


In a senior seminar project, my partner and I surveyed the Middlebury student body's Twitter posts and news articles, to visualize students' mood and word use over a two year period. Check out the dashboard and project repository!

Contact Me